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Lab Procedures

Labor Room Profile LABOR
Lacosamide LAB2433
Lactic Acid LAB730
Lactic Acid, Spinal Fluid LAB8121
Lactose Tolerance Test LAB2893
Lamictal See LAB475
Lamotrigine LAB475
Lanoxin See LAB23
LDH Isoenzymes LAB97
LDH, Blood or Body Fluid LAB96
LDL Cholesterol, Direct (AEL) LAB102
Lead, 24-Hour Urine PBU
Lead, Blood LAB98
Legionella Antibodies (Serotypes 1-6), IgM LEGABM
Legionella Antigen, DFA LAB2437
Legionella Antigen, EIA, Urine LAB886
Legionella Culture See LAB902
Legionella DNA, Qualitative RT PCR LAB6004
Leptospira IgM Antibody LEPTO M
Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase Stain LAP
Levetiracetam LAB477
LH or Lutenizing Hormone LAB87
Lidocaine LAB685
Limited Drug Screen See LAB2695
Limited Urine Drug Screen with Alcohol See UDRAL.1
Lipase, Blood or Body Fluid LAB99
Lipid Profile LAB18
Lipoprotein (a) LAB563
Lithium LAB29
Liver Cytosol (LC-1) Autoantibodies LAB2444
Liver Fibrosis, Fibrotest/Acitest LAB4884
Liver Kidney Microsomal Antibody See LAB2467
LKM-1 IgG Antibody LAB2467
Lorazepam LAB5944
Lupus Anticoagulant LAB478
Lupus or Collagen Disease Panel LUPCO
Lupus Panel See ANACM
Lyme Disease Antibodies by Immunoblot LYME
Lyme Disease Antibodies, CSF LAB789
Lyme Disease Antibody Screen with Reflex LAB4996
Lyme Disease DNA by PCR See LAB910
Lymph Node Biopsies See SP LN
Lymphocyte Proliferation to Antigens, Blood LPAGF
Lymphocyte Proliferation to Mitogens, Blood LPMGF
Lymphocyte Subset Panel 1 LAB1188
Lymphocyte Subset Panel 3 See LAB2404.2
Lymphocyte Subset Panel 4 See LAB2404.3
Lymphocyte Subset Panel 5 See LAB2188
Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Antibodies LAB1251
Lysozyme, Serum LAB1133