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Lab Procedures

T3 Free by Dialysis LAB6006
T3 Uptake (AEL) LAB135
T3, Free, Non-Dialysis LAB137
T3, Reverse LAB138
T3, Total LAB136
T4, Free LAB127
T4, Total LAB126
T7 T7
TB Culture See LAB877.3
TB Smear See LAB266.2
TEG Global Hemostasis Cartridge LAB6183
TEG Global Hemostasis with Lysis Cartridge LAB6184
TEG Platelet Mapping Cartridge LAB6270
Tegretol See LAB21
Testosterone LAB124
Testosterone, Free & Total by LC/MS/MS LAB5723
Testosterone, Free/Bio/Total (Female/Child) LAB839
Testosterone, Free/Bio/Total (Male) LAB5724
Tetanus Antitoxoid Antibody LAB855
Thallium, Random Urine TLU
Theophylline LAB35
Therapeutic Drugs, Collection Guidelines TDL CG
Thiamine See LAB125
Thiopurine Methyltransferase See TPMT
Thioridazine MEL
Throat Culture, Routine See LAB228
Thrombin Time LAB324
Thyrocalcitonin See LAB519
Thyroglobulin Antibody LAB533
Thyroid Antibody Panel LAB2620
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody LAB858
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone See LAB129
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone c Reflex Free T4 See LAB4398.2
Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulin LAB2939
Thyrotropin Receptor Antibody LAB2639
Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone TRH
Thyroxine Binding Globulin LAB2621
Thyroxine, Free See LAB127.3
Tiagabine TIAG
Tissue Specimens for Pathology Examination See SP HTS
Tissue Transglutaminase IgA Antibody LAB723
Tissue Transglutaminase IgG Antibody LAB721
Tobramycin, Peak LAB36
Tobramycin, Random LAB37
Tobramycin, Trough LAB38
Tocopherol See LAB130
Topamax LAB498
Topoisomerase Antibody See LAB2918.5
Torch Panel, Acute TIGMP
Torch Panel, Convalescent TIGGP
Torch Panel, IgG & IgM TORGM
Total Bilirubin See LAB50
Total Protein for Blood or Body Fluid See LAB118
Toxocara Antibodies LAB2625
Toxoplasma Antibodies TOXAB
Toxoplasma Gondii DNA, Qual RT PCR LAB2626
TPMT Activity See LAB2618
TPMT Enzyme LAB2618
Trachomatis Antibodies See LAB5942.2
Transferrin LAB133
Transferrin Receptor LAB2629
TRH Stimulation Test LAB129.1
Trichinella IgG Antibody LAB1268
Tricyclics, Urine Pain Management LAB2743
Triglycerides, Blood or Body Fluid LAB134
Trileptal LAB484
Troponin T, High Sensitivity LAB6361
Trypsin LAB2636
Tryptase LAB827
TSH or Thyroid Stimulating Hormone LAB129
TSH Stimulation Test See LAB129.1
TSH with Reflex to Free T4 LAB4398
Tularemia Antibody See LAB1216
Tylenol See LAB43
Type & Antibody Screen LAB276
Type & Coombs for Cord Blood Specimens See LAB892
Type & Crossmatch with Antibody Screen XMAHG
Type & Rh See LAB895.3
Typhoid Antibodies See LAB1267.1
Typhus Antibody (Murine) See RICQU